Welcome to LiveHFCSfree blog, my name is Darren. I am a father of 3 boys, currently all under the age of 13. You can definitely consider me a cause oriented person, and after our middle child developed severe learning differences, all which require therapy, I have looked into every aspect of life with a magnify glass. You really start to question why your child has certain disabilities or differences, and try to find out if they are nature or nuture. Even though you really can't make it a difinitive answer, no doubt you can point out factors in our society that are sure not helping our children, if not, hurting them.
When I became interested in studying nutrition, this artificial sweetener (yes, artificial) called High Fructose Corn Syrup kept popping up in many conversations as something that is affecting the health of society, and being backed by scientific research that shows links to obesity, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases. My goal is to help educate how this product is hurting our health, our childrens health, and possibly being linked to other neurological disorders that has great cause for concern.
Back to my previous point, is HFCS an artificial sweetener? Well, yes it is made from corn, and yes corn syrup is a natural product, but without scientist's, HFCS would not exist. The process of HFCS is that scientists must first remove the sucrose from corn syrup that is done with mechanical equipment. Once the sucrose is removed, large amounts of fructose is added to create that extra sweetness. I will get more into the adverse effects of this type of sweetener, but adding the high amounts of fructose(yes fructose is in fruit) without the water content that is found in fruit, the fructose goes directly into the bloodstream and converted to fat, before the body has the chance to metabolize it for energy.
I will leave you with this: How many products in your house have HFCS? If you have children, how much are they consuming on a daily basis? Till next time, health and happiness.
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