Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You want Mercury with that???

Wow, just when you thought that high fructose corn syrup couldn't be anymore unhealthy for you, reports have been published that more than a third of the products scientist's have tested that contain high fructose corn syrup, report detectable levels of Mercury.  What is so scary is that it is a fact that Mercury when in contact with the brain, causes degeneration of the cells.  So even though these might not be high levels of Mercury, when you add up that a large percentage of the population who consume products with high fructose corn syrup at almost every meal, every snack throughout the day, that can add up to some significant levels that are ingested into the body. 
I know that they are going to debate that Mercury and the perservatives in vaccines doesn't cause autism and autistic like symptons, but no scientist can convince me that after my son recieved his 3 year old vaccine, we saw a completely different child for the next several weeks and months.  I have heard countless stories telling the exact same effect, and I don't believe any scientist is smarter than a mother's intuition(yes, I know, I'm the dad, but you get the point)
So what if I'm wrong, and Mercury doesn't have adverse effects on our brains, well number one, I would bet my life that I'm right, and secondly, is something as serious as this, even worth taking a risk on your child's health?  It can be as simple as buying the organic heinz ketchup rather than the regular kind, buying the Sierra Mist soda instead of Coke.  These little things too can add up and greatly diminish the amount of HFCS that your children ingest.
Food for thought!  Health and Happiness.

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